
Kate was born in Slidell Louisiana, lived in Middleton Maryland and most appropriately calls Snowflake Arizona her hometown. She has 3 sisters and 3 brothers and is right in the middle. She is a small town girl at heart, and spent her childhood playing at the creek, exploring through the canyon, riding her Uncles horses, and building tree forts. You could say her high school years were as all-american as it gets. Cheer, choir, track, student council, and just enough teenage angst for band shirts and indie shows. After graduation, Kate moved in with her 2 best friends and started going to school and then one day Landon Lines walked in the door...

Kate graduated in 2013 with a degree in Psychology and currently works as a Design Assistant for Little Green Notebook.

Kate is artsy-fartsy and has about a million different creative interests, from film to music to paint to writing. She is a self-proclaimed book worm and always reads her favorites twice. Kate loves to run. She does it nearly everyday and says it's her own personal therapy. 

Kate can keep up with Landon in the outdoor department and loves backpacking and rock climbing as much as he does (she's as much as a dare devil as Landon, just don't tell her Mom.) Kate comes from a blended, big, loud, funny, loving family. She talks to at least one sibling, and usually more, on the phone everyday.

Kate always has a song stuck in her head, is 25 years old, still holds her breath in tunnels, loves to wear army green, is always down for a dance party, uses a polaroid camera, is left handed, loves her nieces and nephews like her own, can sing every word to vanilla ice and gettin' jiggy wit it, and cannot wait to be a mom.  

Kate has kept a personal blog for 5 years, read it here.